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3 Tips For More Natural-Looking Breast Implants

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If you are planning to schedule breast augmentation surgery soon, chances are you've been thinking about it for a very long time. Deciding to get breast implants is a major life choice, but one that can often lead to a major boost in self-confidence, especially for women who have felt insecure about their breasts. Here are a few tips if you want breast augmentation surgery but are worried about the results looking too fake and would prefer a natural look:

Consider Silicone Breast Implants

The two main options for breast implant materials are silicone and saline. Most plastic surgeons and breast surgery patients find that silicone looks and feels the most natural. Silicone is a soft, flexible material that can mimic the feel of real breasts.

Your plastic surgeon will likely have samples of both saline and silicone breast implants that you can check out. You can also read about women's experiences with both types of implants on online plastic surgery forums.

Focus on the Shape You Want

While some women start the breast augmentation process determined to achieve a specific cup size, it's better to focus on the shape you are hoping to achieve. Depending on your frame, a bigger cup size may not be very natural-looking or flattering to your individual body type.

Instead, ask for the shape and size of your breast implants to be in proportion to the rest of your body. Spend a lot of time looking at before-and-after photos and hone in on the images that reflect the breast look you are hoping to achieve. Your surgeon will also be able to manipulate your own photos to show you what you will like with different breast shapes and sizes.

Choose the Right Plastic Surgeon

The most important factor in determining if your breast implants will be natural-looking or more obvious is choosing the right plastic surgeon. Your surgeon should be highly experienced and ideally should specialize in natural-looking breast implants. You should be able to look at photos and videos of the surgeon's own work, giving you a chance to see how natural-looking their breast augmentations are both in still photos and in motion.

Everyone who gets breast implants has different preferences, and if you want a natural look that can definitely be achieved. By following the tips in this blog post, you will ensure you end up with breast augmentation results you love. 
