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Getting More Natural-Looking Results From Your Botox

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Botox can be a really great way to ease the appearance of wrinkles and turn the clock back on your appearance a little bit. However, you do have to be careful not to go too far and end up with a look that's overly plump and plastic. How can you ensure you get a more natural look from your Botox? Here are a few tips for when you get Botox ​injections.

Start by treating just one area.

Botox can be used all over the face. It can be used between the eyebrows, to the sides of the eyes, in the nasolabial folds, in your cheeks, in your chin, and so forth. Ultimately, you may end up having some or all of these areas treated. However, you are best off starting with just one area. Pick the area where your wrinkles are most pronounced or the area you worry about the most, and have that area treated first. This gives you a chance to get used to the look of Botox and see how much you need before going forward. After treating one area, your doctor will have a better idea of how you, specifically, respond to Botox, which will give them a better idea of how much to use in other areas to deliver the results you desire.

Tell your practitioner if you don't want your results to be too dramatic.

Some people who get Botox injections do want the results to look very dramatic. It is perfectly fine if you want a more natural look — and that is very achievable — but your doctor or practitioner has to know that's what you want. Have a conversation with them before your appointment, and emphasize that you want them to "go easy" on your treatment and aim for a natural look.

Handle your newly treated face with care.

After you have your Botox injections, be careful not to touch the treatment area. Be very gentle when you wash your face or apply cosmetics, especially for the first two or three days after your injections. This will help ensure the Botox does not migrate and affect a larger area than intended. (If the Botox migrates to areas that are less wrinkled, the results may look less natural.) 

Botox does not have to make your face look overly plump and plastic. You can get a nice, natural look if you go slowly, talk openly with your doctor, and treat your face carefully after treatment.
