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Waxing Recovery Fundamentals: What You Should Know

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When it comes to pampering yourself and dealing with unwanted body hair, waxing is a long-lasting, easy solution. If you've never had hair waxing before, you may not know what to expect from the process and the aftermath. If you want to help your skin recover as best as possible after the waxing, there are some steps you should take after your waxing appointment. Here's a look at what you need to know.

Start With Post-Depilatory Cream

One of the things that you might notice is some sticky residue left behind in the waxed area. Some waxing facilities will apply a post-depilatory cream as part of the waxing process to eliminate this residue, but if yours doesn't and you notice some wax residue left behind that leaves the area sticky, apply a cream or lotion like this to the area. Post-depilatory creams and lotions are great for restoring your skin's pH after waxing as well as removing this residue, soothing the tissue, and reducing redness.

Use Cold To Manage Inflammation

The redness and discomfort that often follows waxing is a normal result of the skin cell disruption that happens during the process. Use ice, cold compresses, or even cooling gels such as aloe vera to soothe the skin, control redness, and minimize any swelling from the inflammation. Applying things like this for the first 24 hours is ideal for ensuring better skin condition and recovery.

Time Your Moisturizer Right

Don't apply any moisturizer to waxed skin for at least two days after waxing. This is important because the waxing process opens up pores in your skin, and applying any kind of moisturizer too soon can result in clogging your pores. This can lead to acne, red bumps, and other problems. Waiting two days after waxing before you moisturize gives those pores time to start returning to normal before you introduce anything new.

Don't Rush Exfoliation

Exfoliation is great after waxing because it removes any dead skin cells and fine hairs that may be left behind. However, you don't want to exfoliate too soon after your wax treatment. If you do it too soon, it can damage delicate skin cells that are still recovering, and the exfoliating product could clog your pores. Wait for three days before you exfoliate, but after those three days pass, it's a good idea to exfoliate the area gently to remove anything residual.

These are some of the best post-wax treatment tips for ensuring healthy skin after your hair removal. Talk with a professional who provides waxing services about any other special care your skin might need.
