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Visit Your Local Spa For A Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment

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For years, people have been visiting spas for treatments such as facials, manicures, and massages. Now, there is a new type of treatment that is becoming wildly popular in the spa environment — hyperbaric oxygen treatment. This is a procedure that is well worth visiting your local spa for. It involves sitting or lying in a chamber where you'll be exposed to increased pressure and a high concentration of oxygen. Here's a look at some of its major benefits.

Speedy Healing

Do you have any sores that seem slow to heal? Maybe you have a few blemishes on your face or a scrape on your knee. Exposure to hyperbaric oxygen can help speed up the healing process. It is a good choice if you really want to make sure those blemishes heal before an important date or another event. It's also a good choice if you've injured yourself and want to help ensure the wound heals with minimal scarring. It works because it increases blood flow to the area. While you might assume this is a bad thing because you would not want the wound to bleed, adequate blood flow actually ensures the damaged tissues have the nutrients and other components needed to rebuild themselves.

Softer, More Supple Skin

If your skin is generally dry and stiff, then hyperbaric oxygen treatment is a smart choice. As discussed above, it helps improve circulation to the skin. This results in skin that is pinker, plumper, and more supple. You may not have to rely as heavily on creams and moisturizers after your procedure.

Collagen Growth

Collagen is a component of your skin that helps keep it flexible and supple. As you age, your collagen levels decrease, which can lead to wrinkles and fine lines. By encouraging increased circulation, hyperbaric oxygen treatment allows your skin to produce more collagen. You will likely notice fewer wrinkles and fine lines. This change will gradually take effect in the days and weeks following your hyperbaric therapy session.

Better Immunity

Exposure to increased oxygen can help fight off certain infectious bacteria. It can also boost your immune system, allowing it to fight more strongly against those infectious agents. All in all, this means your immunity may increase, leading to fewer instances of the cold, flu, and other infectious illnesses.

If a spa near you is offering hyperbaric oxygen therapy, it is definitely worth scheduling a session! Talk to a spa employee to learn more about these benefits.

To learn more about hyperbaric therapy, contact a spa near you.
