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What Do You Need To Know About Tummy Tucks?

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A flat belly is one of the most coveted benefits of physical fitness. Unfortunately, a completely flat stomach isn't possible for everyone. After pregnancy or significant weight loss, your skin may lose some of its elasticity. This can lead to unwanted stretch marks and sagging skin. Fortunately, cosmetic surgeons have the skills necessary to remove unwanted skin. An abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck, can give you the beach-ready belly you desire. Here are three facts you should know if you're interested in the tummy tuck procedure.

1. You can have liposuction at the same time.

A tummy tuck is ideal for anyone who has excess skin they would like to remove from their abdomen. Loose skin can be a result of age, lifestyle, genetics, or pregnancy. Many people who choose to have a tummy tuck are already at or near their goal weight. If you have additional fat that you'd like to lose, you have the option of incorporating liposuction into your tummy tuck procedure. Your cosmetic surgeon can use a vacuum to remove unwanted fat deposits from your belly and sides, which can lead to a flatter stomach than an abdominoplasty alone.

2. Your scar will be discreet.

In order to perform an abdominoplasty, your cosmetic surgeon will make an incision below your navel. The incision will be made horizontally. It will be placed low on the abdomen, where it can be covered by underwear or a bathing suit. Some patients have preexisting scars from cesarean sections. If you have an abdominal scar from a past surgery, your surgeon may choose to utilize it by opening your abdomen at the site of the scar. Over time, the scar from your tummy tuck should fade to become softer and less noticeable.

3. You have to respect your recovery period.

A tummy tuck is a major procedure, which means your body will need time to recover. Your doctor may recommend that you stay overnight for observation after your procedure. Once you're released from the hospital, someone will need to drive you home since you will be on pain medication that impairs your reflexes. You will need to avoid movements that stress your abdominal area for several weeks. This means you will need to sleep in an elevated position to avoid using your stomach muscles when you sit up. Your surgeon will tell you when it's safe to resume your normal exercise activities.

To learn more about tummy tucks, contact a surgeon.
